Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Time For Resolutions...They Don't Work

No time for New Years Resolutions:

Life and times are serious. Only the strong will survive. Attainable goals are meant to be achieved. Lofty goals are like resolutions. Always broken and never fulfilled. As a matter of fact they can be demoralizing at times.

For some reason I felt compelled to share my thoughts on setting goals. I think these few tips few tips that will help you achieve your goals will help you have one of the greatest years of your life. Straight from my iPhone.

Step number one: Many people do not take this serious but you must write your goals down on paper. Anything that is not written down or still on your mind is not that important to you.

Written goals are valuable for repeated inspection. Time will go on and you will forget what you are working towards. I can't tell you how many times I've had a life changing thought I memorized for for a few weeks then begged, and borrowed to try and bring back what I held so deeply in my heart and mind. All for nothing! That thought was like yesterday. Gone...

In the middle of the madness that this year will bring, your goals will bring stability and focus.

Second Step: 3-5 goals are usually the most manageable. Too many goals will not allow you to properly inspect and follow through on a consistent basis.

Third Step: List out a few (3/4) action items or steps the will help you accomplish each goal. If you have 3 goals you should have 12 action items that will help you achieve the goals you have listed.

Fourth Step: Make a static appointment every week, without exceptions to meet to check progress, review and record wins throughout the week. This is very important because it will keep you on course and every win will push you in to the next week with great momentum.

Fifth Step: Make as many copies as you need to paste everywhere you go. Office, your home bathroom, in a book. Somewhere will you wi se it everyday.

Sixth Step: Repeat you goals to yourself daily. In a study of the differences between the consciences and sub conscious mind you will find that 95% of the decisions you make are rooted in the subconscious mind. What you truly believe. Your true convictions.

Think about it for a second...when the person in the car cut you off on the road today, did you have to think about it before you cursed or waved hello with that special finger? Of course not! You did it because deep down in your sub conscious mind that is what you believed and it controlled your actions. You never thought twice about it.

Just imagine if you can get your goals and actions items in your sub conscious mind, you will move heaven and earth whether sleeping or awake to make sure you goals get accomplished.

Out goals this year are simple:
1-Revenue Target
2-Ad Campaign
3-Hire Employees

I will leave you with this statement. Everyone ends up somewhere. Some people end up somewhere on purpose with Vision/goals. Andy Stanley adapted and adopted by me

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